Texture Paste
Preview is a simple tool to preview bitmaps as textures placed
on the clipboard in a tiled arrangement. It can show the texture
in three view modes: wall, which shows the texture repeated
in a wall, floor, which shows the texture as if it was
placed on the floor and mesh, which shows the texture pasted
on a 3D mesh.
To use Texture
Paste Preview simply copy the texture image from any image editor
or viewer to the clipboard, switch to TPP and press Ctrl+V.
You can use the 1, 2 and 3 keys to
switch modes, [ and ] to remove/add tiles, F
to toggle bilinear filtering and F11 to toggle fullscreen mode.
The context menu that appears when right clicking shows all these
Originally Texture Paste Preview was written in Borland C++ Builder 1, but it was rewritten in Free Pascal and Lazarus. The original version is also available. If you have BCB1 and want to build it from source code you will also need BCBCMN and BCBGL. The Lazarus version needs RTTK.
Old versions